
Course 30 credits • LIVA11

The course LIVA11 is currently not being offered

Study period: spring semester 2008
Type of studies: full time, day
Language of instruction: Swedish
Application code: LU-73501

Teachers: Katarina Bernhardsson, Karin Nykvist, Rikard Schönström, Birthe Sjöberg, Ann Steiner, Anna Clara Törnqvist

Information on included parts

  1. Introduction to Literary Studies , 7.5 credits
  2. Literary History, General Overview from about 1850 to 1918 , 7.5 credits
  3. Literary History, General Overview from about 1918 to now , 7.5 credits
  4. Thematic Studies , 7.5 credits

Comparative Literature

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

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