Course 7.5 credits • LINN14
During the past decades research has noted clear parallels between language and music: over and above being universal and culturally varying phenomena in all human societies they also display structural similarities. It has also been noted that there is a small, but measurable, covariation between language and music (e.g. some properties of music by composers with different native languages can be shown to relate to the properties of the languages themselves). Further, neurolinguistic perception experiments can be applied to music with similar results, suggesting that music and language share the same resources. This has led to hypotheses concerning a shared origin of language and music. The purpose of the course is to present the relevant empirical data and current theoretical frameworks. The course also involves the development of new and testable hypotheses, predictions and experiments, based on a understanding of the correlations between music and language.
Programme affiliation: May be part of Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics
Study period:
autumn semester 2014
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2014-09-01 – 2014-10-31
Language of instruction:
Application code:
60 ECTS in any language subject, linguistics, musicology or cognitive science or equivalent qualifications.
Gerd Carling
How to apply?
More about the subject, research, staff etc.