Course 7.5 credits • LINC04
The course gives a basic understanding of concepts within the field of semantics and pragmatics. Various traditions are illuminated, both theoretically and through the execution of problem-based exercises. Among these traditions are structural-typological semantics, logical semantics, cognitive semantics, and theories of pragmatic meaning. Central philosophical issues will be discussed: What is meaning? What is the relationship between meaning, world and consciousness? The emphasis is however on linguistic questions such as: Do different languages have different meaning systems? What is the relationship between linguistic meaning and context?
Admission Requirements
För tillträde till kursen krävs LIN B02, Lingvistik: Språkets
struktur och funktion 60 högskolepoäng i något språkämne,
eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Study period:
spring semester 2025
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2025-01-20 – 2025-03-21
Language of instruction:
General and LINB21, or 60 ECTS in a language subject, or equivalent
Application code:
Application code:
Introductory meeting: Monday, 20 January at 13.15 – 15.00 in SOL:H428b
Mechtild Tronnier,
Jordan Zlatev
- Schedule
- Exam schedule
- Canvas LINA24 / LINC04
- Library Guide Language and Linguistics
- Library Guide Linguistics
- Library Guide Lingvistik
Information on included parts
- Written assignments , 4.5 credits
- An oral and written presentation of group work , 3 credits
How to apply?
More about the subject, research, staff etc.