Course 7.5 credits • LINC02
The course contains a typological overview of how certain types of grammatical construction are realised in different languages, and an introduction to some of the fundamental ideas underlying various modern theories of grammar. The content of the course is, however, largely based on examining language phenomena and is to a great extent neutral in term of theory. Among the subjects covered in detail the following can be mentioned: relativisation, the issue of question words, subject and object properties, subordinate clauses and inflectional categories.
Admission Requirements
För tillträde till kursen krävs LIN B02, Lingvistik: Språkets
struktur och funktion, eller 60 högskolepoäng i något
språkämne, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Study period:
spring semester 2019
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2019-03-25 – 2019-06-09
Language of instruction:
Application code:
General and LINA12 or LINB02 or 60 ECTS in a language subject, or equivalent
Introductory meeting: Monday, 21 January at 13.00 – 15.00 in SOL:H135b
Arthur Holmer,
Mikael Roll
- Syllabus
- Syllabus (in Swedish)
- Description (in Swedish)
- List of literature
- Welcome letter LINC02 spring 2019
More about the subject, research, staff etc.