
Course 60 credits • FIVA10

Study period: spring semester 2025
Semester: 2
Type of studies: full time, day
Study period: 2024-09-02 – 2025-06-08
Language of instruction: Swedish
Eligibility: General and studies equivalent of the courses History 1b or 1a1 and 1a2 and Social Studies 1b or 1a1 and 1a2 from Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Introductory meeting: Monday, 20 January at 9.15 – 12.00 in SOL:H435

Teachers: Lars Gustaf Andersson, Anna Mrozewicz, Christian Isak Thorsen

Information on included parts

  1. Film Concepts and Aesthestics , 7.5 credits
  2. Film History , 7.5 credits
  3. Swedish/Scandinavian Cinema , 7.5 credits
  4. Film and New Media , 7.5 credits
  5. Film Theory , 7.5 credits
  6. Documentary Film , 7.5 credits
  7. World Cinema , 7.5 credits
  8. Specialization in Film History , 7.5 credits

Film Studies

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Page Manager: webmastersol.luse | 2020-06-15