
Course 30 credits • ENGK01

The course ENGK01 is currently not being offered

This is the BA course in English, that is, the course you need to finish in order to be able to get a BA (bachelor's degree) in English. You need a BA in order to go on to get an MA (master's degree).

Teaching – spring semester of 2020

The Dean decides

  • The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology will temporarily transfer to distance teaching and examination by using the online platform Canvas or the tool Zoom. Exceptions are possible with consideration to e.g. group sizes. The change will occur starting March 18 2020 and will persist until the recommendations relating to the corona epidemic change.

Study period: spring semester 2020
Type of studies: full time, day
Study period: 2020-01-20 – 2020-06-07
Language of instruction: Swedish
Application code: LU-74072
Eligibility: General and English: Level 2 (ENGA21) or equivalent.

Introductory meeting: Tuesday, 21 January at 13.00 – 15.00 in SOL:H239a

Teachers: Birgitta Berglund, Cian Duffy, Sara Farshchi, Henrik Gyllstad, Mats Johansson, Eva Klingvall, Kiki Lindell, Satu Manninen, Vasiliki Simaki, Cecilia Wadsö-Lecaros

Information on included parts

  1. Literary Theory and Method , 6 credits
  2. English Linguistics , 6 credits
  3. Translation , 2 credits
  4. Vocabulary , 2 credits
  5. Optional Course , 5 credits
  6. Term Paper , 15 credits

English Studies

More about the subject, research, staff etc.

Page Manager: webmastersol.luse | 2020-06-15