Course 15 credits • ENGH13
When you have finished English level 1 (ENGA04, or the two half-time courses ENGH11 and ENGH12), you may continue to take this continuation course at half-time speed (15 credits per semester). Note, however, that the speed at which you study varies across the semester, as described in more detail under the heading The contents of the course (English 31-45).
This course is more advanced than English: Level 1, and the academic level is higher. You learn more about English linguistics and literature, but you also improve your spoken and written English. Your vocabulary gets even larger, just like your English proficiency in general. Taking English: Level 2 is a natural step for anyone who wants to be really good at English and who also is interested in learning more about the English language and about literature in English.
If you have studied English at a university elsewhere, you need to have finished that course to be eligible. If you haven't yet finished it, you may apply for a waiver. Please see the instructions here:
The contents of the course (English 31-45)
This course is an interesting mix of English proficiency, literature and linguistics.
ENGH13 consists of the following two modules:
- English Grammar (7.5 credits)
- English Literary History (7.5 credits)
Together, the two course modules comprise 15 hp, making ENGH13 a half-time course. However, the course progression is not quite even: The module English Grammar runs for the first seven weeks of the course and the module English Literary History for the remaining weeks of the semester. In reality, this means full-time speed for five weeks and one third speed for the remaining weeks.
The two modules build on what you learnt in English: Level 1.
In English Grammar you learn more about English grammar and how it can be described and explained. You will also learn more about other aspects of the English language, for instance English word formation. At the the end of the course there is a written test on English grammar and other aspects of the English language. The teaching is set up as "Grammar days", with a lecture in the morning and a a seminar in the afternoon, with exercises and group work in between.
The module called English Literary History deals with important parts of the entire history of English literature. You learn about the connections between literature, history, and culture, so this is a kind of continuation of the ENGA01 module called History and Culture, even though the main focus here is on literature, rather than culture and history. The module is examined through a final written exam.After the course (English 31-45)
After the course (English 31-45)
This course makes you eligible for English: Continuation course (46-60). When you have finished that course as well and have 60 credits of English, you will be eligible for the BA course you need in order to get a BA (Bachelor's degree) in English. Having 60 credits of English, in combination with other relevant university courses, also makes you considerably more competitive on the job market, for instance if you would like to work abroad or in companies or organisations with international profiles.
Study period:
spring semester 2025
Type of studies:
part time, 50 %,
Study period:
2025-01-20 – 2025-06-08
Language of instruction:
Application code:
General and English: Level 1 (ENGA04) or (ENGH11 and ENGH12) or the equivalent.
Introductory meeting: Monday, 20 January at 10.00 – 12.00 in SOL:H104 hörsal
Fredrik Heinat,
Kiki Lindell
- Schedule
- Exam schedule
- Canvas British Literary History
- Canvas ENGA22 - Engelska: Fortsättningskurs
- Canvas Grammar
- Library Guide Engelska
Information on included parts
- English Grammar , 7.5 credits
- English Literary History , 7.5 credits
Second Admission Round
Nationell ansökningsomgång
Autumn semester 2025
Last application date
15April 2025